Mrs. Brinkman's Preschool Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans for the week of:  October 15th                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Focus of the week:  H week 
Mon. Morn. Mon. After. Tues. Morn. Tues. After. Wed. Morn. Wed. After. Thurs. Morn. Thurs. After. Friday Morn.
Circle Topics Hairy Helpers - Letter H & what it looks like & H video clip from youtube Hairy Helpers - Letter H & what it looks like & H video clip from youtube Hairy Helpers - Letter H & what it looks like Hairy Helpers - what starts with H - replay H video clip Hairy Helpers - what starts with H - replay H video clip Hairy Helpers - play H video clip Hairy Helpers - Show H video from youtube & Humpty Dumpty clip from pintrest site Hairy Helpers - what starts with H - the children share with the class what they know that starts with H - review A-H flashcards No School
Songs/CD of day Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme - count to 100 (2 different CD's - 2 different variations) - Tony Chestnut No School
Storytime My H book & Hickory Dickory Dock Huggapotamus 2 house books 2 hug books hamilton No School
Language Activity H smart board  lesson H smart board  lesson color a Horse finish up last week's work that is left write Hh write Hh Humpty Dumpty - color and recite the nursery rhyme I have, Who has game with uppercase letters No School
Math divide class into small groups and work on number recognition flashcards divide class into small groups and work on shapes with cuisenaire attribute shapes small groups - making pictures with attribute shapes - combining different shapes to make a larger picture - ie: house, ice cream cone, etc. heart do a dot page small group work on number order - use flashcards to put them in order No School
Gross Motor hop No School
Science/extras foam tastic foam on blue table Humpty Dumpty Fall experiment - kids build a wall together and talk about why they couldn't put humpty together again? What will happen to the egg?? foam tastic foam on blue table No School
Self Help Skills zipping up coats - still a struggle for most to get them zipped No School
Fine Motor squeezing colored glue onto hot dog Hay Day tracing lines page cutting art No School
Art Hot Dog - they color the hot dog and then squeeze on colored glue for the ketchup and mustard hippo Humpty Dumpty - they create the bricks on the wall - glue egg shape, add details, then make accordian arms and legs heart free art - make collages with heart shapes heart free art - make collages with heart shapes No School
Easels watercolor paints & hot dog, hippo pages No School
Any Extra activities iPad introduction -math app iPad introduction -math app iPad introduction -math app iPad time - 5-10 minutes after circle time - in partners - math apps (only if iPads are back from Chris F.) No School
extras  website  on 2 classroom computers- ABC jigsaw game No School