Mrs. Brinkman's Preschool Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans for the week of:  October 8, 2012                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Focus of the week:  G week 
Mon. Morn. Mon. After. Tues. Morn. Tues. After. Wed. Morn. Wed. After. Thurs. Morn. Thurs. After. Friday Morn.
Circle Topics Hairy Helpers - Letter G & what it looks like & G video clip from youtube Hairy Helpers - Letter G & what it looks like & G video clip from youtube Hairy Helpers - Letter G & what it looks like Hairy Helpers - what starts with G - replay G video clip Hairy Helpers - what starts with G - replay G video clip Hairy Helpers - play G video clip Hairy Helpers - Show F video from youtube Hairy Helpers - what starts with G - the children share with the class what they know that starts with G - review A-G flashcards Hairy Helpers - what starts with G - the children share with the class what they know that starts with G - review A-G flashcards
Songs/CD of day Movin to Math CD by Jack Hartmann
Storytime The Gingerbread Man The Gingerbread Man The Gingerbread Man 3 Billy Goats Gruff & my G book 4 Billy Goats Gruff & my G book The Gingerbread Girl The Gingerbread Girl The Gingerbread Girl The Gruffalo
Language Activity practice writing names write G Color G Giraffe paper - practice writing names assessment day Clifford Fall weekly reader find the hidden Gg maze color G green and g grey wks
Math Gingerbread dice roll activity page finish up few remaining math packets work on assessments Gingerbread dice roll activity page frost Gingerbread cookies work on assessments work on assessments
Gross Motor Count to 100 song Tooty Ta Count to 100 song
Science/extras flubber in sensory table cutting in sensory table Gingerbread cookies, clues, run away cutting in sensory table
Self Help Skills putting on their own coats, practicing zipping up with coats (if they are ready to/get the zipper started for them if need be), teaching them to pull their sleaves thru the right way with their coats
Fine Motor * Paper & Scissors in the sensory Table to cut                         *playdough at the blue table (4 containers)
Art free art - different supplies for the children to use their creativity make ghost - use a foot and white paint none - due to cooking activity color a Gingerbread man
Easels watercolor paints & a gorilla with G
Any Extra activities iPad introduction -math app iPad introduction -math app iPad introduction -math app iPad time - 5-10 minutes after circle time - in partners - math apps (only if iPads are back from Chris F.
Extra gingerbread button counting and matching