Mrs. Brinkman's Preschool Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans for the week of:  August 21, 2012                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Focus of the week:  Getting to Know each other and the classroom
Mon. Morn. Mon. After. Tues. Morn. Tues. After. Wed. Morn. Wed. After. Thurs. Morn. Thurs. After. Friday Morn.
Circle Topics No School Introductions, Rules, Where Bathroom is, job chart, classroom tour Introductions, Rules, Where Bathroom is, job chart Introductions, Rules, Where Bathroom is, job chart Introductions, Rules, job chart Introductions, Rules, Where Bathroom is, job chart, classroom tour Introductions, Rules, Where Bathroom is, job chart Introductions, Rules, Where Bathroom is, job chart
Songs/CD of day Choo Choo Song Choo Choo Song Choo Choo Song Choo Choo Song Choo Choo Song Choo Choo Song Choo Choo Song
Language Activity Color a picture of a monster Color their Name Color their Name Write their name in small groups Color their Name Write their name in small groups Write their name in small groups
Math Count to 5 Count to 20 together &                    Who's Counting assessments Count to 20 together &                    Who's Counting assessments Count to 20 together &                    Who's Counting assessments Count to 5/10 if they are ready to Color Recognition Review - if needed next week go into small groups Color Recognition Review - if needed next week go into small groups
Gross Motor Gym Time - Obstacle Course - walk on a line, jump over a stuffed animal, repeat Outside Play in wood chips Outside Play in wood chips Outside Play in wood chips Gym Time - Obstacle Course - walk on a line, jump over a stuffed animal, repeat Outside Play in wood chips Outside Play in wood chips
Tues. Morn. Tues. After. Wed. Morn. Wed. After. Thurs. Morn. Thurs. After. Friday Morn.
Science/Extras playdough on the table playdough on the table playdough on the table playdough on the table color match from the room - have a paper with square color blocks color changing coffee filters - bowls with food colored water and coffee filter strips - children dip the filter in and watch the color go up the filter
Self Help Skills Finding their names in their lockers, putting on their backpacks finding their own locker, putting on their backpack, getting out their folders finding their own locker, putting on their backpack, getting out their folders finding their own locker, putting on their backpack, getting out their folders Finding their names in their lockers, putting on their backpacks finding their own locker, putting on their backpack, getting out their folders finding their own locker, putting on their backpack, getting out their folders
Fine Motor Skills crayon grip crayon grip crayon grip pencil grip crayon grip pencil grip pencil grip
Art paint over their name written in white crayon on a school shape Monster Blow Paint craft - put 1-2 blobs of watered down paint in center of white construction paper-1/2 straw per child to blow on their paper to move paint add eyes & details to Monster Blow Paint Craft favorite color - use do-a-dot painters free art with various different craft items add eyes & details to Monster Blow Paint Craft
Easels watercolors watercolors watercolors watercolors watercolors watercolors watercolors
Any Extra activities Sensory Table and boats Sensory Table and boats Sensory Table and boats Sensory Table and boats Sensory Table and boats Sensory Table and boats Sensory Table and boats